Live Virtual Assistance

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to focus on one thing at a time. However, focusing on a single task can help in achieving success. It’s essential to understand that being in the moment is not just a matter of choice, but it’s a skill that needs to be practiced regularly. With the modern-day lifestyle and career demands, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel the pressure to keep ourselves updated. As consumers and creators, we are constantly bombarded with data and information which can lead to distractions and lack of focus.

Healthcare providers choose to practice medicine because it is the most noble and respectable career choice, allowing them to comfort people who are fighting illnesses and diseases and going through probably the most difficult times in their lives. However, data is the new currency, and the US healthcare industry is the perfect example where you have to literally produce patient data in structured formats traveling through EDI systems to be fairly compensated for rendered services.

Patients want to be heard and taken seriously, but most doctors who are rushing through appointments in an attempt to finish their charts are frequently too preoccupied to make eye contact with patients. This is distorting the dynamics of the patient-provider relationship because patients begin to question whether they were given the time and attention they deserve.

Providers now just emphasize the most crucial information during meetings in order to prevent this scenario, finishing the remaining charts at the end of the day or on Fridays and weekends. They are jeopardizing their quality of life and risking caregiver burnout in the process. Additionally, there is a good chance that you will overlook some crucial details from the conversation. The claim creation process is adversely affected by the delay in the competition of charts, since billers are now required to work through the backlog that has accumulated over the weekend. Not to mention that it prolongs the time it takes to process claims and delays the reimbursement procedure.

Is there a way to solve this problem?

Yes, and it’s called “Live Virtual Assistance”

WellTrust’s “Live Virtual Assistance” concept was developed with helpful feedback from our clients, and our resources have received training in tandem with our provider teams. We are making it possible for providers to get expert assistance with correctly documenting interactions and filling up their charts. In order to increase patient satisfaction and receive excellent practice/provider ratings, providers can once again give patients their whole attention, make greater eye contact, and engage in higher-quality interactions.

Advantages of Live Virtual Assistance:

  • Boost the standard of documentation used when seeing patients
  • Improved encounters with patients
  • Prevent burnout among providers and avoid putting in additional time to finish charts.
  • Quicken the process of generating claims.
  • Diminish the risk elements
  • Streamlines the workflow
  • Shorten days for account receivables
  • Restore the human element in your medical practice

Do LVA reps work on my EMR?

When necessary, our LVA professionals can pick up new EMR software in addition to their existing training on well-known EMR platforms. We can also assist you with administrative duties and streamline the day-to-day operations of your office, including note-taking procedures, benefits verification, patient inquiries, etc.

Non Binding Contracts – explore with ease.

The Live Virtual Assistance program enables you to interview potential candidates and select the best help for your practice. It also comes with a non-binding month-to-month contract. By paying a small monthly charge, you can also choose to hire resources on a full- or part-time basis.

Compliance and Technology

To operate in a healthcare environment, Live Virtual Assistants are skilled experts with extensive exposure to the business. They have fulfilled their HIPAA training requirements in privacy and security measures and are skilled in using popular electronic medical record software. You can stay connected without worrying about PHI or data security thanks to our patented solutions, which also offer an extra layer of security and encryption.

In order to save administrative costs, boost productivity, and enhance the performance of your practice, LVAs are highly skilled representatives who have experience with back office duties. They can also be further taught to carry out a number of tasks and take on administrative obligations.

Why Live Virtual Assistance through WellTrust?

WellTrust’s Live Virtual Assistance product is operating profitably for our clients; it has been tried and tested and has given providers noticeable outcomes as early as the first month. Using live representatives on portable video modules to receive reliable remote assistance has never been simpler. With this solution, our providers may again enjoy the time and flexibility they were missing. It’s time to take action if you find yourself spending extra hours filling up patient charts, if you want to enhance provider-patient relationships, or if you want to save administrative expenses for your practice.

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